Success Stories

Success Stories

Here’s a snapshot of recent success stories. We’ve omitted the clients’ names to protect confidentiality but please feel welcome to contact us to discuss any of these projects further.

  1. Clinton Communications was engaged to write a large report in response to the project completion of a health industry investigation. Our client had performed the project management and the data collection and needed us to write up the report. The deadline was tight and the review panel extensive but the report was delivered on time and to some acclaim.
  2. Annual reports are known to be fraught due to the frenetic year-end activity that many organisations endure. Clinton Communications successfully obtained the tendered position of writing the annual report of a large organisation that has many overseas subsidiaries. The budget was not huge and the project was hampered by internal staff changes, but the report was produced well and lodged with Australia Post ahead of time.
  3. Our client, which has a national profile, needed us to develop tender documents for large infrastructure projects across three states. This presented legal and contractual challenges to say nothing of very specific subject matter. Team management and client relations were critical alongside the writing process. The documents were produced successfully and Clinton Communications now consults to the client on an occasional basis.